I wasn’t going to comment on the Oscars; mostly because I found it boring as hell. A few things I thought it necessary to comment on.
The set design….. Absolutely breathtaking.

The Kodak theatre was transformed to craft an immersive environment reminiscent of an intimate club. This allowed for complete audience intimacy which the giving a sense of complete inclusion. As well as creating a atmosphere of an elegant party rather than a formal gathering. Personally it gave me the feel of the old dinner and dance clubs; the Copacabana and cotton club. The 100,000 Swarovski crystal Curtin that hung above added the perfect touch to a magical stage. I was simply in awe, more so than the actual show itself.
The red carpet:
Tim Gun gave me just what I wanted and needed I needed. He asked all the right questions and was very informative on the dresses and their designers. Although when he interviewed Angelina Jole was a little he became star struck and awkward.
Speaking of awkward…Mr Ryan Seacrest deserves a drop kick. See clip below
To see full clip, click
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I could rant all day about the sheer ignorance that he as a “professional” displayed while interviewing the children of “Slumdog Millionaire” but its quite evident. What I don’t understand is why the producer didn’t cut him off when they saw that the interview was going sour or simply just feed him the appropriate questions to ask?
“You speak very good English” ….Dead
Check out some of the photos of our fav. people (or just people that we recognized) of the nightafter the jump:
Frieda Pinto

Sarah Jessica Parker

Whoopi Goldberg

Penelope Cruz


Viola Davis

John Legend and his "girlfriend" Christine Teigen

Slumdog Kids

Seal and Heidi Klum

Alicia Keys

WTF is going on with this wig Alicia!?! Cmon..really?
Taraji P Henson

One last time for the big winners of the night and supposed couple,
Frieda Pinto and Dev Patel

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