I'm not even a fan of Drake like that. His music is dope but I am one of the few who doesn't think he's all that physically attractive. It's only because of his swag and his music why he could get it. Maybe. But despite all that, for some reason it hurt to see this photo. So sad. Whatever, she's a cutie I can't lie. For those of you who don't know, she's Teyana Taylor from "Google Me" fame.
P.S. My sister claims she came up with the "Google Me" phrase first and she would've put out a better track, but now it's ruined.
May 26, 2009
Say it Aint So...
Labels: Drizzy Drake
May 21, 2009
Love/Hate Relationship
Let me preface this post by saying that I LOVE high heels very much. I love the way they look and the instant sex appeal boost. BUT I hate the way the sexy ones make your feet feel. Life is rough. Real rough.
Last month Kizz and I attended Guys and Dolls at Wetbar in Toronto, and while we both looked cute, we only felt cute for a portion of the time. Of course liquor helps but one you slip out of those bad boys and the buzz wears off, it can bring tears to your eyes.
The picture below is from the end of night back at Kizz's place. If you could see my torso you would see that the face says it all. Hair mashup, make up mashup one sexy leg and hot shoe and look at the other foot. Look. At. It. So fellas when we say we are sitting down because our feet hurt, do me a favour and leave us the fuck alone. Remember this photo, it's not always an excuse.

Labels: fuckery, why must I cry
May 16, 2009
Peep the video below
Did you spot the high 5???
oh and the officers in question got reassignment not fired...just reassigned
May 15, 2009
Just One of Those Days...
Yesterday was a day. You know one of those days when you wake up feeling good and it seems the universe is just tryna bring you down?
I woke and got all fresh. Ready for work. Left my place only to see my bus rolling by in front of my face as soon as I hit the pavement. Nice.
Work was work until the very first customer I dealt with had some sort of complex. Dude was acting like he was superior or something cuz he was the customer. Had the nerve to say "don't argue with me" Believe me when I say I am not the one. I told him that I was not arguing with him and that he didn't wish to make a purchase with me he was more than willing to find someplace else to shop. I could tell he was biting his tongue, he made his purchase and then left. Good way to start the day lol.
Then this dude who has been stalking me for the past 3 years happens to stroll on by. We work in the same building but in two completely different departments but that doesn't stop him from making frequent visits to my location. I tried to busy myself but no luck. He's one of those old Jamaican men who just don't understand the word No. Doesn't understand I have a boyfriend, I'm not into you, go away. Like I'm speaking mutha effin spanish. He came with his small talk but thank God a customer needed help so he moved on faster.
Then when I was coming home. Working on this post and listening to Drizzy on the pod I fell up the stairs. Who falls UP the stairs!? Lmao. But still I was good. These things didn't get me down. But then when I was about to go into my apartment when I saw a piece of my key chain on the ground outside. I had leant my keys to my boyfriend earlier that day and I doubted that anyone else in my apartment had that same Jamaica key chain. The same one that I had that matched my moms. And if that wasn't enough to turn me a bit sour, when I actually walk into the building I see a final notice from Rogers about cutting my cable.
Mood is officially sour.
But I wasn't mad for too much longer because he went grocery shopping and did a good job and the season finale of Grey's Anatomy was incredible. Ahhh... Yesterday was just one of those days.
May 13, 2009
New Music from my TO Crush
My hunny Blake Carrington(he doesn't know about us yet but it's bound to happen) made a video featuring O' Sound about the struggles surrounding the Air Yeezy's. I know Kizz saw the line up of people in the rain waiting for the shoes like camping out the day before. So I believe the lyrics when they say you needed a wristband. Seems like the kind of fuckery that would go down. Anywhoo, here's the vid and if you're from Toronto the locations should look very familiar =)
May 12, 2009
Talk the Truth
Every now and then I watch videos by B. Scott on youtube and I've found them to be very interesting and thought provoking. The last video that was uploaded by Mr. B. Scott can be seen right here:
Homophobia is a big issue in todays society especially concerning the groups that B. Scott mentioned. I myself considered myself a homophobe but can honestyly say that I am becoming more and more accepting. One day I just told myself to think logically. I am a Christian and I believe that being gay is wrong and a sin, but I fornicate and commit sin everyday and I wouldn't be happy if people disliked and treated me different because of that. So how dare I look down other people because of their lifestyle?
I'm not trying to preach, I just see the logic in the other side of the argument and can agree with B. Scott. The man talks some truth, so if you are willing to look past physical attributes and listen to what he has to say I suggest you watch the video above and the plenty others he has on his youtube channel. He is a very funny and inspirational dude. Embrace change.
May 11, 2009
Yay For Disney!
May 10, 2009
Fight The Power!!!
A few days ago in the daily Metro newspaper, I read a little blurb that really caught my attention. Apparently bra makers Marks & Spencer have been charging an extra $3.14for bras that are size DD or bigger. A group called 'Busts 4 Justice' was started on Facebook and females from all over the world joined. The campaign has already contacted M&S, but (of course) they basically just told them to sit down. The women are planning to `storm their annual meeting` demanding that the bras be equally priced.
Now I am apart of the Big Tittie Committee so I understand the frustration wholeheartedly. We can't just walk into La Senza or Victoria Secret and pick up any cute bra we see. I mean we could, but we'd just look like porn stars with extreme cleavage and spillage. Marks & Spencer claim that they charge more because of the "extra material and engineering". To be honest, I would'nt mind paying the extra bucks, because a good bra for big titties in Toronto costs a helluva lot more than an extra $3 compared to regular bras. Big bras can range from $50-120 each. So ladies I'll stand behind you and say fight the power, but I don't think you know just how good you have it. And the bras are actually pretty damn cute too!
In other protest news, the Tamil population in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) have been protesting and going on hunger strikes in the downtown core and in front of city hall to get attention to the `genocide` that is happening in their country Sri Lanka. For the most part they have been pretty peaceful and things have gone smoothly. But today, something unprecedented happened. They started their protest downtown (as usual) and then those bold ass mofos marched down to the Gardiner Expressway`s (which is a major highway in Toronto for those of you who aren`t Torontonians) Spadina entrance and have been blocking traffic for the past hour. Police estimate that the highway will likely be closed for the rest of the evening. This has never happened. Police in the vicinity have rushed down there, the Task Force is ready to go, already know the police on horsies are down there. They are ready to go. Apparently a few police were attacked and there are some cars are caught in the crowd.
I say GOOD FOR YOU TAMIL PEOPLE! GOOD FOR YOU! In a place like Canada, how dare government not stand up to help these people in this time of need and desperation. Outside of Sri Lanka, Toronto is harbouring the rest of the Tamil people dem. Innocent people are dying everyday in Sri Lanka and people are being arrested for no reason. It is 2009 people, no time to turn a blind eye to these atrocities.
May 6, 2009
Y'all were fly....last year
The new video for I'm Still Fly by Page f. Drake was recently released. I think the collective opinion is that the track is HOT. Or was hot like last year boss. But we could've given it a bligh if the video was fire, unfortunately we got this :
WHAT!?! I'm confused. What's going on with the cartoon in the beginning, the whole Transformers aspect, the cheap graphics? X has done wayy better videos in the past. It is very unfortunate that people who are unfamiliar with the song will have to judge it off of the video cuz let me tell you, sans video, it's amazing. This one gets a womp womp.
Labels: Drizzy Drake
Hi Loves!!! (or One Love!)
Holy moly sportsfans I’ve been gone forever. And to our 1 follower and accidental readers I am truly sorry. We have not been giving you any sort of funny vids or our 2 cents in a while. Kizz has been working and busy lofting and my computer has been taking week long naps whenever it felt like it. But thanks to Best Buy and the Geek Squad, I am back in action. I have to say I really missed this, but it’s gonna be odd getting back into the swing of things.
I am so lost when it comes to pop culture. Makes it so apparent how dependent we as a generation are on electronics and what not. If I lost my cell in junction with my PC I think I may have committed suicide already. I don’t know any new tracks, any controversy…nada. Last I heard was Bow Wow was making some homophobic remarks…and the only reason I know about that is because of a recent video by B Scott….
Oh and Rihanna's tomfoolery suit...nuff said
But Anywhoo, all in all WE'RE BACK =)