Now this is the first of a series of posts to come about the prevalent topic of RACISM. It is 2009 but this topic is as relevant as the recession. There is so much to say from both me and Kizz, so I'm going to say pardon us from now if the things that come out of...our keyboards (i was going to say mouths but you can't hear us)...are a little all over the place. So forgive us if we go off into tangents. This is not thought out, planned, or censored, so if you have any questions, thoughts, comments or anything, please feel free to post.
So let me start off by saying that we are all Racist. Some of us a little more (or a lot more) than others, but we are ALL racist. We all carry preconceived notions and thoughts around about one another. As humans we judge people by their appearance before they even open their mouths. If anyone says they don't , they're liars. But don't get me wrong, because I am not condoning this behaviour nor am I saying that it's accepted, I'm just saying that it's fact.
I am only racist a little bit. I have the sense to know that people do not fall into the same category just because of the melanin (or lack thereof) in their skin. I know that demographics are not the sole factor in determining who people are and what they believe in. After all I am a prime example. I have had every opportunity to go down the "wrong" paths, and I've fought hard not to. Lots of people I know/knew are teen parents, into drugs, are high school drop outs, and everything in between. But that didn't mean that I had to. I've learned that you cannot judge a book by it's cover, but also that the cover is very important for people to get to know you (or to pick you up going back to the book reference).
Where I think I am a bit racist is the "usual" (unfortunately) remarks and imitations about other races. I usually catch myself and say "I am so racist", but that doesn't stop me from continuing. Allow me to clarify that when I say imitations, I am not talking about Miley Cyrus physical racism, more like accents or name calling, which is probably on the same playing field I guess. It's funny how we try to downplay our racist tendencies, always thinking that what we do is harmless and unoticeable. But I'll tell you about one thing that Kizz and I most def noticed, this commercial is racist as hell, "Black people like music. Blacks like R&B, yeah let's use that" Who do you think you are fooling McDonalds? This ish has got to stop:
Oh, and I'm in Calgary right now, aka Home of the White People (see just a tad bit of racism) so there will def be a post about life here for the next few weeks.
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