pics courtesy of Blog T.O.com
Labels: Serious Ish, Weather
Hair is a struggle for most black women. Here is a comedic effort to bring some of these issues to light in Chris Rock's new Documentary. Currently being shown at film festivals all over the world, this is a definite must see. Here's the trailer:
Labels: Trailers, well season, Youtube Fun
This song is on heavy rotation on the Ipod right now. If you don't already have it, get this chicks album titled Epiphany pronto!
Chrisette singing live on the Steve Harvey radio show
To watch Chrisette's video "What You Do" with vocals from Ne-yo click here
Actor Pooch Hall, from the now canceled show The Game stars as her love interest.
Labels: Casually Obsessed, Chrisette Michele, good music
I don't know whether to be scared or not, but I sure as hell am excited. Go ahead. Scan me. Gotta love technology.
Labels: Blackberry Life
Years later and I still dig this song. Video treatment was sexy bad, and song was dope.
Labels: In Essence, Music Videos, Toronto ish
Well...here it is, The music video For Drizzy's "Best I Ever Had"Directed By Kanye West. In case you haven't heard Drizzy has signed with Lil Wayne's Young Money Label.
Labels: Drizzy Drake, Music Videos
This chick is soooo live to me, Gaga goes hard and I love it. Concept on point, dancers on point, wardrobe on point, even the lip syncing is on point.
It was the only thing I was interested to watch in during the MMVA's.
Kanye has teamed up to tour with her and I mos def will be there.
Watch this woman work...
Labels: Casually Obsessed, I'm focused man, Lady Gaga
The actual award show sucked, but the drama afterwards has me up posting like a crazy person. God bless the internet. Twitter has been going crazy for the past couple of hours. One of the major after parties was the official Drake after party at Century Room. For all of you that don't know, Century Room is considered to be a more upscale club and typically doesn't have too many urban (read: black) people party there. But of course, if you put Drake's name on the bill expect the man and gyal dem.
Anywhoo, I was receiving tweets that the club owners/promoters wanted Future the Prince (the main DJ) to switch the tunes because it was a little to much hip hop and that's when the vibes sort of switched up. To make a long story short, apparently there was a shooting that sent people fleeing left right and centre. ETF (Emergency Task Force, which is the Canadian version of SWAT) came through and cleared out the place. Party done.
Then in other news Perez Hilton himself tweeted that :I'm in shock. I need the police ASAP. Please come to the SoHo Metropolitan Hotel now. Please.
8 minutes ago from Sidekick
I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke.
6 minutes ago from Sidekick
Really? Never knew Will.I.Am was moving like that. I wonder what that conversation was like? Will.I.Am punched Perez Hilton in the face. How did we go from partying it up at Ultra, enjoying the weather and the awards to a fist fight? The story is still unfolding, but so far so damn good in my book.
P.S. the above photo is not from last night, it's just an archive photo
UPDATE: Tila Tequila (who is also in town for the awards) tweeted that she received texts from Will.I.Am himself that he did not punch Perez Hilton out. This is the first text :
If you care here are the two other text messages Will.I.Am apparently sent Tila:
Text #1 and Text #2
UPDATE#2: Will.I.Am has taken to the internet via vlog. He posted a video message about "what really happened". He says he didn't punch Perez in the face. Says that Perez was being very rude and insulting and that some fans attacked Perez after he called Will.I.Am a faggot.
On Sunday, June 21 I forced myself to sit through Canada's pride and joy the boring ass MMVAs (Much Music Video Awards). The show was the usual let down, so I do not care to post about it. But 1 thing I noticed was that Tiffanie from Girlicious was not in attendence despite all the other group members and Robin Antin being present. I don't follow Girlicious like that so I didn't know what was going on, but after some snooping I found this video with Tiffanie confirming my thoughts. She has been cut form the group. Apparently it's because she was too "urban" and that is no longer the direction. Hmm, never knew they were urban to begin with, but OK. We'll wait and see how this situation pans out...
Stumbled across this gem and decided to share. Apparently Degrassi The Movie is coming out later this summer (August?) and will pick up where it left off. Three major characters end up in L.A. trying to achieve their respective dreams. All I want to know is where wheelchair Jimmy at?
Labels: Drizzy Drake, TV, Youtube Fun
Why oh why would you leak this track first Breezy. Even if this is not your first single (which I'm kind of praying it is) wouldn't you try your hardest to make sure it didn't hit cyberspace first. I don't think that Breezy has the most creative control of his career, but don't his people think that if you are trying to stray away from the scandal then one shouldn't release a track called Smash? C'mon now. And my favourite line is "Hold on, are you sure you want to play with fire, i’m guaranteed to take it higher, if you say you don’t then your a liar, yeaaah" ....
Labels: 4reallydoe???, fuckery, New Music
Well then Mr. Hov,
You have given us lots to talk about with this track. However I'm going to wait till I hear some more material form the upcoming project before I give review or discuss any implications with the new track, J is most definably coming with the heat.
Labels: New Music, well season, whats hood in the streets
Been on hiatus for a hot min and posts have been sporadic. We had many function's to attend, travelling, work, hangovers, creating the business plan and Birthday's to celebrate...primarily Jam and I and overall just life. In any event we back.
Just in case your feelin' generous I'd like to have this as a belated b day gift, size 9 1/2 please and thank you.
Simply amazing!
Alexander McQueen Pelle Leather Sandal
Labels: birthday love, Casually Obsessed, well season
I'm not even a fan of Drake like that. His music is dope but I am one of the few who doesn't think he's all that physically attractive. It's only because of his swag and his music why he could get it. Maybe. But despite all that, for some reason it hurt to see this photo. So sad. Whatever, she's a cutie I can't lie. For those of you who don't know, she's Teyana Taylor from "Google Me" fame.
P.S. My sister claims she came up with the "Google Me" phrase first and she would've put out a better track, but now it's ruined.
Labels: Drizzy Drake
Labels: fuckery, why must I cry
Peep the video below
Did you spot the high 5???
oh and the officers in question got reassignment not fired...just reassigned
Yesterday was a day. You know one of those days when you wake up feeling good and it seems the universe is just tryna bring you down?
I woke and got all fresh. Ready for work. Left my place only to see my bus rolling by in front of my face as soon as I hit the pavement. Nice.
Work was work until the very first customer I dealt with had some sort of complex. Dude was acting like he was superior or something cuz he was the customer. Had the nerve to say "don't argue with me" Believe me when I say I am not the one. I told him that I was not arguing with him and that he didn't wish to make a purchase with me he was more than willing to find someplace else to shop. I could tell he was biting his tongue, he made his purchase and then left. Good way to start the day lol.
Then this dude who has been stalking me for the past 3 years happens to stroll on by. We work in the same building but in two completely different departments but that doesn't stop him from making frequent visits to my location. I tried to busy myself but no luck. He's one of those old Jamaican men who just don't understand the word No. Doesn't understand I have a boyfriend, I'm not into you, go away. Like I'm speaking mutha effin spanish. He came with his small talk but thank God a customer needed help so he moved on faster.
Then when I was coming home. Working on this post and listening to Drizzy on the pod I fell up the stairs. Who falls UP the stairs!? Lmao. But still I was good. These things didn't get me down. But then when I was about to go into my apartment when I saw a piece of my key chain on the ground outside. I had leant my keys to my boyfriend earlier that day and I doubted that anyone else in my apartment had that same Jamaica key chain. The same one that I had that matched my moms. And if that wasn't enough to turn me a bit sour, when I actually walk into the building I see a final notice from Rogers about cutting my cable.
Mood is officially sour.
But I wasn't mad for too much longer because he went grocery shopping and did a good job and the season finale of Grey's Anatomy was incredible. Ahhh... Yesterday was just one of those days.
My hunny Blake Carrington(he doesn't know about us yet but it's bound to happen) made a video featuring O' Sound about the struggles surrounding the Air Yeezy's. I know Kizz saw the line up of people in the rain waiting for the shoes like camping out the day before. So I believe the lyrics when they say you needed a wristband. Seems like the kind of fuckery that would go down. Anywhoo, here's the vid and if you're from Toronto the locations should look very familiar =)
Every now and then I watch videos by B. Scott on youtube and I've found them to be very interesting and thought provoking. The last video that was uploaded by Mr. B. Scott can be seen right here:
Homophobia is a big issue in todays society especially concerning the groups that B. Scott mentioned. I myself considered myself a homophobe but can honestyly say that I am becoming more and more accepting. One day I just told myself to think logically. I am a Christian and I believe that being gay is wrong and a sin, but I fornicate and commit sin everyday and I wouldn't be happy if people disliked and treated me different because of that. So how dare I look down other people because of their lifestyle?
I'm not trying to preach, I just see the logic in the other side of the argument and can agree with B. Scott. The man talks some truth, so if you are willing to look past physical attributes and listen to what he has to say I suggest you watch the video above and the plenty others he has on his youtube channel. He is a very funny and inspirational dude. Embrace change.
A few days ago in the daily Metro newspaper, I read a little blurb that really caught my attention. Apparently bra makers Marks & Spencer have been charging an extra $3.14for bras that are size DD or bigger. A group called 'Busts 4 Justice' was started on Facebook and females from all over the world joined. The campaign has already contacted M&S, but (of course) they basically just told them to sit down. The women are planning to `storm their annual meeting` demanding that the bras be equally priced.
Now I am apart of the Big Tittie Committee so I understand the frustration wholeheartedly. We can't just walk into La Senza or Victoria Secret and pick up any cute bra we see. I mean we could, but we'd just look like porn stars with extreme cleavage and spillage. Marks & Spencer claim that they charge more because of the "extra material and engineering". To be honest, I would'nt mind paying the extra bucks, because a good bra for big titties in Toronto costs a helluva lot more than an extra $3 compared to regular bras. Big bras can range from $50-120 each. So ladies I'll stand behind you and say fight the power, but I don't think you know just how good you have it. And the bras are actually pretty damn cute too!
In other protest news, the Tamil population in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) have been protesting and going on hunger strikes in the downtown core and in front of city hall to get attention to the `genocide` that is happening in their country Sri Lanka. For the most part they have been pretty peaceful and things have gone smoothly. But today, something unprecedented happened. They started their protest downtown (as usual) and then those bold ass mofos marched down to the Gardiner Expressway`s (which is a major highway in Toronto for those of you who aren`t Torontonians) Spadina entrance and have been blocking traffic for the past hour. Police estimate that the highway will likely be closed for the rest of the evening. This has never happened. Police in the vicinity have rushed down there, the Task Force is ready to go, already know the police on horsies are down there. They are ready to go. Apparently a few police were attacked and there are some cars are caught in the crowd.
I say GOOD FOR YOU TAMIL PEOPLE! GOOD FOR YOU! In a place like Canada, how dare government not stand up to help these people in this time of need and desperation. Outside of Sri Lanka, Toronto is harbouring the rest of the Tamil people dem. Innocent people are dying everyday in Sri Lanka and people are being arrested for no reason. It is 2009 people, no time to turn a blind eye to these atrocities.
The new video for I'm Still Fly by Page f. Drake was recently released. I think the collective opinion is that the track is HOT. Or was hot like last year boss. But we could've given it a bligh if the video was fire, unfortunately we got this :
WHAT!?! I'm confused. What's going on with the cartoon in the beginning, the whole Transformers aspect, the cheap graphics? X has done wayy better videos in the past. It is very unfortunate that people who are unfamiliar with the song will have to judge it off of the video cuz let me tell you, sans video, it's amazing. This one gets a womp womp.
Labels: Drizzy Drake
Holy moly sportsfans I’ve been gone forever. And to our 1 follower and accidental readers I am truly sorry. We have not been giving you any sort of funny vids or our 2 cents in a while. Kizz has been working and busy lofting and my computer has been taking week long naps whenever it felt like it. But thanks to Best Buy and the Geek Squad, I am back in action. I have to say I really missed this, but it’s gonna be odd getting back into the swing of things.
I am so lost when it comes to pop culture. Makes it so apparent how dependent we as a generation are on electronics and what not. If I lost my cell in junction with my PC I think I may have committed suicide already. I don’t know any new tracks, any controversy…nada. Last I heard was Bow Wow was making some homophobic remarks…and the only reason I know about that is because of a recent video by B Scott….
Oh and Rihanna's tomfoolery suit...nuff said
But Anywhoo, all in all WE'RE BACK =)
If your going to be in Toronto or a Toronto native check this out this dope event!
I will personally be at this amazing event and on the look out to swap for shoes and other goodies.
For more info about this fab event contact budgetb101@gmail.com
Drake ft Busta Rhymes "Best I Ever Had" Remix
One of our absolute favorite cuts on the mixtape
Labels: Busta Rhymes, Drizzy Drake, New Music
I know the blog sphere is all ablaze about singer Cassie's new haircut...When I saw this I laughed and did the Diddy bop to "you got a long way 2 go". IF this is a publicity stunt to get me buy the new upcoming album it didn't work. So we are supposed to believe you're now or always been edgy and on the "good girl gone bad" tip, girl please stop with the antics. Whatever your reasons for the half shaved hairstyle, it is in my most humble opinion that the singing game just isn't for you. That 106 and park performance is forever engraved in my mind. Change is absolutely great if it is made with with the most sincere intentions.
For pics of Cassie and all her shaved head glory check out Shannae's blog
Labels: 4reallydoe???, Cassie, whats hood in the streets
Lord knows Jam and I love good Youtube game and while searching through Youtube I found this awesome gem created by Canadian Patrick Boivin. The game is quite simple, just follow the prompts and get down.
Labels: gameplay, Youtube Fun
Beautifull. and that's with two "L"s. You gotta accentuate the "L"s. You know, let it roll off your tongue.
Not sure how serious this is, lets all take a moment to pray that its not.......
"Singing" material from Megan Good has been leaked and the tracks speak for themselves.
Labels: Megan Good, why must I cry
It really has been a hot minute since I've last updated and Kizz has not been doing a very good job of posting (Bad Minnelli) but at last I have returned! I've actually been on a little vacay in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Visited the fam and and whatnot, was rejuvenated, but now it's back to the grind. Internship and work all picks up to full speed on Monday. But I see that there are some things that need reporting on in my city. But first let me just say that Calgary was cool for the most part except for the lack of people of different ethnicities. A bunch of white people who have no problem showing their distaste for blacks. As frustrating as it was for my fam, I found it oddly comical. *sidenote: I had to bad up a receptionist at the doctor's office just to get some service...fun times* This sad, sad store was the only thing close to an "urban" store I encountered :
But like I was saying, about Toronto, I'm just going to touch on a few topics that are fresh in my memory.
Anywhoo. Tis all for now. I shall be back soon. Until then. Adios Amigos!
Labels: Toronto ish
Another day, another grind. Since more internet sites have been blocked at the the office I'm blogging from I Phone. Lord knows how much I adore this man and this video makes me giggle. The M.J shoulder dance...BEST! I've had this song in my head all day. I hope it makes you giggle too.
Labels: Casually Obsessed, Youtube Fun
Windsor Sports weekend just passed and I had everybody and they momma ask me why I wasn't there. I hope this post provides some insight (written by my homie MR. Wonder) I had to re post this!
For all our readers that aren't from Toronto, Windsor or Detroit here's just a little background on the Windsor Sports Weekend...
WSW is an annual event that usually takes place in February or March at the University of Windsor and some venues around Detroit. Windsor is about 4 hours away from Toronto and 10 min's away from Detroit. The Event has roots in sporting events that take place during that weekend and over the years it morphed into something slightly similar to Urban Beach week in Miami, Black College Reunion in Daytona Beach or Spring Bling/Spring Break in Florida for mostly college students and underage teens with a good fake ID.
Windsor Sports Weekend! I went in the 90's and early 2000... Some people I went with, went in 2009. Problem? Yes!
10 Signs Windsor Sports Weekend is not for you.
10. Your student card was issued in 19**.
9. You avoided your landlord to spend your rent in WSW.
8. Born in the 70's, with no possible way of making a dollar while you're there.
7. If you left WSW and went to "Jamaica Me Crazy" in Detroit.. (Shot out Dee, Marcel, Sweet Lady, and 90's border jumping team)
6. If you don't have a secure ride there and back, DON'T GO!
5. You stayed with family who's diapers you used to change.
4. You told your family you were going and they laugh and say "AGAIN?"
3. Your husband/wife doesn't know you went.
2. You left Sunday to get your kids to daycare Monday.
1. Gas was .45 cents a litre the first time you went.
Labels: past your prime, well season
Promo pics from Ci Ci's single "Love Sex Magic" ft Justin Timberlake
Listen to the single here
Labels: ciara, justin timberlake, New Music
Finally a full version of this video has been leaked! I've been bumping this song on the pod for a min. This woman is truly talented, and I really hope this time around with her new album she gets more shine. Toronto's own Drake has a cameo as Chrisette's love interest.
Labels: Chrisette Michele, Drizzy Drake, good music
Black people have been thinking these things for years, but finally this team of people were able to capture it in 1 minute and break it down in a way that people of all races can fully understand what we think. If you haven't seen this video yet, here you go :
Here is another one that has been less circulated around the web that had me dying until the end SMH:
Labels: Classic, Youtube Fun
Today marks the unfortunate anniversary of the murder of a hip hop icon Christopher Wallace AKA The Notorious BIG. 12 years later and the case is still "unsolved"
Rest in peace homie
Labels: Casually Obsessed, Classic
Firstly, let me state that I used to LOVE going to MTV Canada's MTV Live for a multitude of reasons, such as, the celebrity guests/performances, the show's content, and the free swag. There were meaningful discussions about current events that allowed people from all over the city to get a chance to voice their opinion without it being screened in advance. I made friends and acquaintances just by showing up. I was even starting to friend up the crew. But that all changed sometime last year.
Labels: fuckery
You have to watch the whole video!
I need to book these guys for an event, this is just too much.
Labels: Youtube Fun
So you should know by now, unless you have been hiding under a rock, MAC cosmetic's has released a line of products inspired by Hello Kitty. As a Hello Kitty fanatic I waited to view the products in person and pick up a few pieces before my evaluation of the line.
Lipglass $16.50 Can. each
Last week I picked up "she loves candy" lipglass. It's a slightly shimmery pink swirl of cuteness. Its packaged in a tube and comes with an applicator wand just like other MAC lipglass products. The gloss is just a hint of pink, with metallic gold flakes making it great for women of color. I really love "she loves candy" and wish it was in the permanent line of MAC lipglass. Days later I picked up “mimmy” lipglass, its also a light pink gloss with a more frosted pink pigment and less metallic flakes. Its a great colour to use for blending with other glosses or lipstick.
I placed an order for makeup application brush holder and brushes (which was overpriced in my opinion) but I got the hook up from an old friend in the biz so I got it at MAC pro cosmetic artist rate. I might be enticed to pick up “too dolly” eye palate collection this weekend, the palate colours complement each other well.
Too Dolly eye shadow palate $46.00 Can. Makeup brushes with holder
$58.00 Can.
Overall the attempt to capture hello kitty was decent but it just seemed that something was lacking. I was a bit disappointed by both the packaging design and lack of products available. Most items were overpriced and the colour palate for both "mild kitty" and "wild kitty" was limited. With the overwhelming commercial success of the hello Hello Kitty line, I hope that MAC will expand on HK and introduce permanent products in the future. I can see the direction they were trying to go with the campaign...Mild vs. Wild kitty etc. and I'm hip to the game. I peeped how the "wild kitty" is the black model trying to seduce the "mild kitty"...the innocent white model kitty who helpless. MAC you aint' slick...
more info on the hello kitty products can be found here
Jam says: I give Kizz nuff ratings for calling out the RACIST antics by MAC, heaven knows I love MAC, but why, why must I cry?
Labels: Classic, Product Review
Earlier today (March 5) the L.A. County District Attorney charged Brown with one count of making a criminal threat and one count of felony assault both against Rihanna. He will be arraigned later this afternoon. A spokesperson for the D.A. told TMZ he could face a maximum of four years and eight months in prison. See what happens Chris when you lick down a woman, hopefully this will teach him, but unfortunately I highly doubt it.
Here are the official documents via TMZ
I say we start a petition: SEND BREEZY TO THE SLAMMER! ...lmao
Labels: fuckery
New track by Keri Hilson feat. Kanye West & Ne-Yo, Knock You Down
Labels: New Music
Here's Lil Wayne's 1st single off of his new rock album, Prom Queen. I love this track although I'm not the biggest Weezy fan. *you know there were girls in middle/high school whose panties stuck out of their pants like that lol*
Labels: New Music
This video of JD, Johnta Austin, Usher, Bryan Michael Cox, and some other dude (aka the "Ocean's 5") was floating all over the web yesterday. Tis a vid of the boys making fun of Christina Milian's new hair and giving their two cents about the RiRi Breezy situation (which I'm pretty much over BTW). I love it, just cuz you're famous doesn't mean that you are not entitled to vocalize your real opinion, not some PR statement.
Labels: Classic
Labels: TV
The other day Kizz and I went to Drake's Mixtape Release Party and lo and behold, LeBron James' name was added to the bill. We don't really get star struck (maybe because we don't see basketball players as stars per se) so it didn't make us any more excited. But we boogied and got our drink on until we saw the Troop of all white (this is not an exaggeration ppl) girls following behind him and the rest of the Cavs. My first thought, "doesn't he have a girlfriend or something?". So I immediately formed a bond with his fiance Savannah (pictured above at a private party in Atlanta) whom I've never met, and kept an eye out for her. But Lebron was very good. He chilled with his homies, got his two step on, took some photos and sipped some water. I later found out from a source that the females were hired escorts. Whatevs.
I didn't want to be a crazy fan, so Kizz and I got slick with the photo taking, and that the back of Drake's head BTW lol.
Pic via: Prince Williams
Labels: Classic
Ok, so these "dance crazes" may be new to the states, but us Jamaican folks have been pulling these out of our asses since day 1. From the pepper seed, to the butterfly, to the go go whine (youtube these to be schooled) so things like the mother effin g-slide can sit down. Now looky here, we've got the Ricky Bobby. All I have to say is this dance is reason enough for a break up. If i saw my boyfriend starting to do that bouncy shake thing, it would be a done dadda, no questions asked.
Labels: fuckery, Youtube Fun
I'm pretty sure I stated this before. But we love Kanye. He's pretty much misunderstood, but we get him. People take him and his antics too seriously, he's just chill and a practical joker (kinda like us). Anywhoo, he's been spotted all over with his new play thing, Amber Rose. She's getting nuff pub and is on all the blogs. People have been scrutinizing her fashion choices and digging up her past, all we really think is that babygirl is gorgeous. As a new member to the Short Hair Brigade, i can attest to the confidence booster it gives. She walks around with such swag, and hate all you want I think the spaceman shades are DOPE. And one last nosey tidbit, Amber is a lesbian, so I guess Kanye is just her plaything too. Smart pair.
Pic from: YBF
Well thank you for coming to the blog and hopefully giving it a read. I purposely didn't post this hello as our first post because I wanted to post it when we started to gain steam. On this blog, we don't censor ourselves and we are VERY OPINIONATED. If you agree, let us know, if you disagree let us know. Shoot us comments or e-mails, follow us on twitter. Whatever. We cover everything from Sports to Fashion. We thank you for coming and reading, and we say You're welcome for giving you real shit to read.
Now this is the first of a series of posts to come about the prevalent topic of RACISM. It is 2009 but this topic is as relevant as the recession. There is so much to say from both me and Kizz, so I'm going to say pardon us from now if the things that come out of...our keyboards (i was going to say mouths but you can't hear us)...are a little all over the place. So forgive us if we go off into tangents. This is not thought out, planned, or censored, so if you have any questions, thoughts, comments or anything, please feel free to post.
So let me start off by saying that we are all Racist. Some of us a little more (or a lot more) than others, but we are ALL racist. We all carry preconceived notions and thoughts around about one another. As humans we judge people by their appearance before they even open their mouths. If anyone says they don't , they're liars. But don't get me wrong, because I am not condoning this behaviour nor am I saying that it's accepted, I'm just saying that it's fact.
I am only racist a little bit. I have the sense to know that people do not fall into the same category just because of the melanin (or lack thereof) in their skin. I know that demographics are not the sole factor in determining who people are and what they believe in. After all I am a prime example. I have had every opportunity to go down the "wrong" paths, and I've fought hard not to. Lots of people I know/knew are teen parents, into drugs, are high school drop outs, and everything in between. But that didn't mean that I had to. I've learned that you cannot judge a book by it's cover, but also that the cover is very important for people to get to know you (or to pick you up going back to the book reference).
Where I think I am a bit racist is the "usual" (unfortunately) remarks and imitations about other races. I usually catch myself and say "I am so racist", but that doesn't stop me from continuing. Allow me to clarify that when I say imitations, I am not talking about Miley Cyrus physical racism, more like accents or name calling, which is probably on the same playing field I guess. It's funny how we try to downplay our racist tendencies, always thinking that what we do is harmless and unoticeable. But I'll tell you about one thing that Kizz and I most def noticed, this commercial is racist as hell, "Black people like music. Blacks like R&B, yeah let's use that" Who do you think you are fooling McDonalds? This ish has got to stop:
Oh, and I'm in Calgary right now, aka Home of the White People (see just a tad bit of racism) so there will def be a post about life here for the next few weeks.
Labels: Serious Ish, Youtube Fun
Just because..
This is a screen capture of someone playing the interactive music video game for MGMT's song "Electric Feel". There are 625 to the 229th power different ways the video can turn out. Download the interactive video at: whoismgmt.com/efvideo
Labels: Just Because, Youtube Fun
In an except from an interview Drake "Drizzy" Rogers did with Vibe Drake talks about his relationship with Degrassi (which is a Toronto based high school TV show that Drake appeared in for 8 years) :
When I first saw the Snuggie commercial, I died of laughter. When Jam saw it knew she couldn't resist. Every time she see's a dumb new product on TV, she wants it.
I'm not even sure if she has even cracked the box open yet to use it.
Jam's Christmas Shamwow gift
But the Snuggie is something else all together. At least the Shamwow can do something regular paper towel can't you know. I can't and will not cosign for this ish when all that's needed is a regular blanket. So no Jam, the Snuggie will not be one of your b days gifts no matter how much you hint at it. What I will will do is show you this here clip so that you can see that others agree how wutless this piece of garbage is...roll clip
Labels: fuckery
The trendy discount clothing Joe Fresh is adding cosmetics to the roster this spring. Prices will range from $4 and cap at $8, which is a hell of a lot cheaper then some products at drugstores . The full cosmetics line will have products for the lips, face and eyes.
Joseph Mimran, creator of Joe Fresh says we can expect eight eye products, with 61 shades in total; eight lip products, with 69 shades; seven face products, with 47 shades; 13 makeup brushes and 13 cosmetic accessories, including eyebrow grooming and pedicure kits.
If you don’t know who or what Joe Fresh is you’re seriously late. The “Joe” in question is Joseph Mimran. Mimran’s designs have been able to capture the latest runway trends and make them affordable. Insiders have labeled it as “cheap chic”. (Think a less flashy H&M.) Joe Fresh has been making waves since launching his discount trendy threads in selected Real Canadian Superstore’s and Loblaws since 2006, and is one of my personal favorites at the tents during Toronto Fashion Week. Joe Mimran has long been apart of the Canadian fashion scene with companies Alfred Sung, Club Monaco and Caban respectively.
Labels: Fashion
Labels: Toronto ish
Congats to Canadian R&B singer Deborah Cox who gave birth to a healthy 7.7 lbs baby girl Kaila Michelle. Deborah and husband Lascelles Stephens have two other children, Isaiah, 5, and Sumayah, 2. Mom and baby are said to be doing well
Deborah modeled her pregnant belly in her music video for single “beautiful you are” where she looked stunning. Her album The Promise is in stores now.
Labels: Classic
Who the hell knew that Sporty Spice was pregnant?! What the hell? Anyways, she's joined the Mommy Club with her fellow Spices. Melanie Chisolm gave birth to Scarlett Star on Sunday. The name's not as bad as it could have been, but I don't love it either. Whatevs, it's not my baby, so congratulations nevertheless!
I saw the first Transformers movie and I thought it was good. I though the CGI was executed beautifully and it kept me interested when I was never a Transformers fan growing up. And not to mention Megatron's ( I think...he's the good one right...) voice is sexy as hell lmao. My boyfriend however LOVED this movie. I think he came in his pants the first time we saw the trailer. We saw it in theatres 4 times. Literally. Needless to say he, and I'm sure plenty of other men, are overjoyed that there is a sequel due to hit theatre's soon. So for him and all of the other people who care, here is the trailer:
Video courtesy of: Trailer Addict
Labels: Trailers
Anyone who knows me knows that I have a serious love (borderline addiction) to smoothies and juices. My fav. pre packaged smoothie is hands down the line of smoothies Bolthouse has to offer. I think I've had every flavour they've produced (including the Vegetable/Fruit Smoothies...yumm). I am a very very happy customer. The drinks are 100% Natural and Organic and come in two sizes, Big and Little lol. They taste A-Mazingly delicious, although my counterpart Kizz believes they smell like ass which has deterred her from jumping onto my Bolthouse craze. I happen to think the smell is invigorating thank you very much! They hit the spot and you can buy the big ones for like $4 at your local Metro or other grocery stores. The best is when corner stores have them, I must purchase one and commend the cashier for carrying the product despite them probably having nothing to do with it being there. Love Love Love Bolthouse. I would have one every day if I could. If they want to sponser me, I mean this blog, I would not object. If you love me, buy me Bolthouse!
Labels: Casually Obsessed, Product Review
Melanie Fiona is a fellow Toronto native with Guyanese heritage. She has signed a deal with SRC Records and her album The Bridge is scheduled to drop in Spring '09. Fiona was also a part of Kanye West's Glow in the dark tour and has begun to build a strong North American fan base. It's great to have a young, beautiful, and talented young woman do her thing and rep T.O. like she does.
I've been bumping her first single Give It To Me Right for months now, but here is her new track It Kills Me This one is bound to be on steady rotation as well.
If you don't know, now you know!
Labels: New Music
I wasn’t going to comment on the Oscars; mostly because I found it boring as hell. A few things I thought it necessary to comment on.
The set design….. Absolutely breathtaking.
read more digg story
I could rant all day about the sheer ignorance that he as a “professional” displayed while interviewing the children of “Slumdog Millionaire” but its quite evident. What I don’t understand is why the producer didn’t cut him off when they saw that the interview was going sour or simply just feed him the appropriate questions to ask?
“You speak very good English” ….Dead
Check out some of the photos of our fav. people (or just people that we recognized) of the nightafter the jump: