When I first saw the Snuggie commercial, I died of laughter. When Jam saw it knew she couldn't resist. Every time she see's a dumb new product on TV, she wants it.
I'm not even sure if she has even cracked the box open yet to use it.
Jam's Christmas Shamwow gift
But the Snuggie is something else all together. At least the Shamwow can do something regular paper towel can't you know. I can't and will not cosign for this ish when all that's needed is a regular blanket. So no Jam, the Snuggie will not be one of your b days gifts no matter how much you hint at it. What I will will do is show you this here clip so that you can see that others agree how wutless this piece of garbage is...roll clip
February 27, 2009
Snuggie aka WTF Blanket
Labels: fuckery
Fresh indeed
The trendy discount clothing Joe Fresh is adding cosmetics to the roster this spring. Prices will range from $4 and cap at $8, which is a hell of a lot cheaper then some products at drugstores . The full cosmetics line will have products for the lips, face and eyes.
Joseph Mimran, creator of Joe Fresh says we can expect eight eye products, with 61 shades in total; eight lip products, with 69 shades; seven face products, with 47 shades; 13 makeup brushes and 13 cosmetic accessories, including eyebrow grooming and pedicure kits.
If you don’t know who or what Joe Fresh is you’re seriously late. The “Joe” in question is Joseph Mimran. Mimran’s designs have been able to capture the latest runway trends and make them affordable. Insiders have labeled it as “cheap chic”. (Think a less flashy H&M.) Joe Fresh has been making waves since launching his discount trendy threads in selected Real Canadian Superstore’s and Loblaws since 2006, and is one of my personal favorites at the tents during Toronto Fashion Week. Joe Mimran has long been apart of the Canadian fashion scene with companies Alfred Sung, Club Monaco and Caban respectively.
Labels: Fashion
February 25, 2009
It's A New Day
His leadership role in working with the board of education and community at large to manage issues, develop policies and promote causes that benefit students and has achieved considerable results has been widely recognized. He had a significant role in the development of Boys 2 Men, Project G.O. (Girls only) and the Read to Succeed Program, which motivates and teaches boys to read. The successes of these programs were featured in a recent documentary about his life, "Person to Person" and in an article in the Reader's Digest entitled, "Man on a Mission."
Dr. Spence has lectured at my Alma Mater and unfortunately I’ve never had the opportunity to attend or meet him, but have met students under his guidance though my work at the Boys and Girls clubs of Toronto. Each explained how their involvement in one the reading programs under his direction had a significant impact on their lives. I’m eager for DR Spencer to get right to work and implement many of the same successful strategies that he has used previously in his outreach programs. Hopefully it will bring renewed interest and much needed structure to the to Toronto District School Board
More details can be read here
Jamelia says: Ok I'm all for ethinc people running things. Big tings. BUT I HATE the fact that he supports black focused schools. He just lost major points. That's hella lame, I'm all for cheanging the school system as it stands right now, but I said it before and I'll say it again a black focused school is NOT the way to positive change. Campbell out....lol
Labels: Toronto ish
February 24, 2009
Baby Bonanza
Congats to Canadian R&B singer Deborah Cox who gave birth to a healthy 7.7 lbs baby girl Kaila Michelle. Deborah and husband Lascelles Stephens have two other children, Isaiah, 5, and Sumayah, 2. Mom and baby are said to be doing well
Deborah modeled her pregnant belly in her music video for single “beautiful you are” where she looked stunning. Her album The Promise is in stores now.
Labels: Classic
Congrats to Sporty Spice
Who the hell knew that Sporty Spice was pregnant?! What the hell? Anyways, she's joined the Mommy Club with her fellow Spices. Melanie Chisolm gave birth to Scarlett Star on Sunday. The name's not as bad as it could have been, but I don't love it either. Whatevs, it's not my baby, so congratulations nevertheless!
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
I saw the first Transformers movie and I thought it was good. I though the CGI was executed beautifully and it kept me interested when I was never a Transformers fan growing up. And not to mention Megatron's ( I think...he's the good one right...) voice is sexy as hell lmao. My boyfriend however LOVED this movie. I think he came in his pants the first time we saw the trailer. We saw it in theatres 4 times. Literally. Needless to say he, and I'm sure plenty of other men, are overjoyed that there is a sequel due to hit theatre's soon. So for him and all of the other people who care, here is the trailer:
Video courtesy of: Trailer Addict
Labels: Trailers
Bolthouse Juices
Anyone who knows me knows that I have a serious love (borderline addiction) to smoothies and juices. My fav. pre packaged smoothie is hands down the line of smoothies Bolthouse has to offer. I think I've had every flavour they've produced (including the Vegetable/Fruit Smoothies...yumm). I am a very very happy customer. The drinks are 100% Natural and Organic and come in two sizes, Big and Little lol. They taste A-Mazingly delicious, although my counterpart Kizz believes they smell like ass which has deterred her from jumping onto my Bolthouse craze. I happen to think the smell is invigorating thank you very much! They hit the spot and you can buy the big ones for like $4 at your local Metro or other grocery stores. The best is when corner stores have them, I must purchase one and commend the cashier for carrying the product despite them probably having nothing to do with it being there. Love Love Love Bolthouse. I would have one every day if I could. If they want to sponser me, I mean this blog, I would not object. If you love me, buy me Bolthouse!
Labels: Casually Obsessed, Product Review
New Melanie Fiona
Melanie Fiona is a fellow Toronto native with Guyanese heritage. She has signed a deal with SRC Records and her album The Bridge is scheduled to drop in Spring '09. Fiona was also a part of Kanye West's Glow in the dark tour and has begun to build a strong North American fan base. It's great to have a young, beautiful, and talented young woman do her thing and rep T.O. like she does.
I've been bumping her first single Give It To Me Right for months now, but here is her new track It Kills Me This one is bound to be on steady rotation as well.
If you don't know, now you know!
Labels: New Music
February 23, 2009
81st Annual Oscar Awards
I wasn’t going to comment on the Oscars; mostly because I found it boring as hell. A few things I thought it necessary to comment on.
The set design….. Absolutely breathtaking.

The Kodak theatre was transformed to craft an immersive environment reminiscent of an intimate club. This allowed for complete audience intimacy which the giving a sense of complete inclusion. As well as creating a atmosphere of an elegant party rather than a formal gathering. Personally it gave me the feel of the old dinner and dance clubs; the Copacabana and cotton club. The 100,000 Swarovski crystal Curtin that hung above added the perfect touch to a magical stage. I was simply in awe, more so than the actual show itself.
The red carpet:
Tim Gun gave me just what I wanted and needed I needed. He asked all the right questions and was very informative on the dresses and their designers. Although when he interviewed Angelina Jole was a little he became star struck and awkward.
Speaking of awkward…Mr Ryan Seacrest deserves a drop kick. See clip below
To see full clip, click
read more digg story
I could rant all day about the sheer ignorance that he as a “professional” displayed while interviewing the children of “Slumdog Millionaire” but its quite evident. What I don’t understand is why the producer didn’t cut him off when they saw that the interview was going sour or simply just feed him the appropriate questions to ask?
“You speak very good English” ….Dead
Check out some of the photos of our fav. people (or just people that we recognized) of the nightafter the jump:

February 22, 2009
New Kanye
I love this man. Let me rephrase, WE love this man. Hit after hit, banger after banger. Kanye's brilliance is undeniable and it's obviously because he a GEMINI!! Anywhoo here are two new tracks (Click to listen/download). I'm not really feeling the first one, Walking On the Moon. Dream's track has a real MJ feel and will probably gain commercial success but I'm not a fan of the his sound. Kanye killed his verse though, as usual. I'm feeling the second track Flight School much more. This one is Kanye ft. T-Pain. I most definitely was not a T-Pain fan when he first came on to the scene, and although his appearance still irritates the hell out of me, I can't deny that he has started to put out some bangers, this one included.
Labels: New Music
I came across this youtube clip of a sweet sixteen...yes a sweet SIXTEEN birthday party while trying to get ideas for my nephews upcoming birthday party. There are no words for this ish.
Do better fam
Labels: fuckery, Youtube Fun
The Big Chop
For as long as I can remember I always wanted long hair. My first perm was at age 12 (almost 13). I was ecstatic to finally have "nice" straight hair and not have to struggle with it every morning. But like most children I didn't know how to take care of my hair, and all mommy knew how to do was oil the scalp and put in plaits with bubbles. So eventually it broke off. Since then it's been a cycle of perms, weaves, but usually single braids. Then one marvelous day(that marvelous day was just last week) I woke up and said, "NO MORE!".
I found a wonderful salon in Toronto that works wonders on ethnic hair. AZAN'S HAIR was founded by an older Jamaican couple. Situated in Yorkville, the space is clean, easy to find, and professionally run. The diverse staff are all friendly and treated me with lots of respect. I half expected the place to bourgeois, simply because of the location, but they were all making jokes and laughing, so it was a really nice relaxing experience. After my hair consultation, I decided to chop it off. Not trim it, not weave it, CHOP IT OFF. The reveal was a bit shocking at first, but I love it now. Love it a lot actually. Anywhoo peep the photos of before and after, tell me what you think. And check out AZAN'S HAIR if you need your hair done. They truly are FAB and my new home salon.
It is something many women, especially ethnic women, think about but find it hard to bring themselves to do because of the struggle and amount of time it actually takes our hair to grow. But whatevs, I don't regret it at all, it's only hair right? And oh yeah, that's me and LeBron in the club. Yeah....that's how I roll :)
Pre-Oscar Game
Kizz and I came across this game a little while back and thought it was one of the best things on youtube (and if you frequent youtube you know that that is a pretty powerful statement). We both agree there needs to be more games like this, if you know of anything like it, please post the URL in the comments section. Have fun! We played totally fairly until we were half way in...and then we started cheating. Let us know how far you get (w/o cheating!)
Check back later tonight for my 2009 Oscar Coverage.
Labels: Youtube Fun
Happy Music
There are some really great bands out there that don't get the shine they deserve. I'm happy that groups like MGMT are finally getting some mainstream attention, but others like Woodhands and Goldfrapp need some more. So I'm going to do my part in helping them by posting one of my favourite Goldfrapp videos, Happiness. It makes me smile. Everyone needs to just bounce around every now and then. It sure would brighten my day =)
Here is Woodhands, I Wasn't Made For Fighting. I saw these dudes live and I immediately went home and downloaded their tracks onto my Pod. Totally different, A-Mazing. Black people don't only listen to Hip Hop and R&B.
Labels: Casually Obsessed, Youtube Fun
February 20, 2009
LUSH is one of our fav stores for bath products, but they also offer products for Hair, Face, Fragrance, and Body. They are great for skin and hair of all types and ethnicities. Their bath and beauty products are 100% vegetarian, made by hand and never tested on animals. They use fresh, natural ingredients which benefit your body. Even the packaging and bags used are reusable/recyclable. There are locations all over Toronto, and speaking from personal experience, the staff are all friendly and knowledgable.
This post however is particularly about their wide variety of different Bath Bombs. Pop one in a pre-run bath and watch it erupt in a mass of fragrant fizzing, gently scenting the water with natural essential oils. Soothing ingredients like vanilla, lavender, and ginger are compacted into different shapes, smells, and colours that erupt in your tub.
I have tried Supernova (the pink pictured above) which filled my bath with confetti. It made my skin so soft afterwards truly making bath time fun again. Prices range from 2.95-6.95 per bomb. One time use, but my frugal tip is to cut it in half. Still works its magic but you get to do it twice.
Check out LUSH for more product and location details.
Labels: Product Review